Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer birthdays

We celebrated 2 big summer birthdays in June & July. Andrew turned 8 years and had an awesome friend party at Chuck E Cheese.

Then Andrew was baptized on July 7th and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are so proud of him. It was an exciting day.

Hannah Banana turned 4 on July 23rd!! She is really growing up and I think she knows it. She is so fun to watch dance and parade around in her princess dresses, jewelry and sing all the Barbie songs (or make up her own.)
Hannah loves dressing up as a princess and her new favorite is her Belle dress that she got for her birthday. She loves all princesses, music, barbies, pet shops and her stuffed animals.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tribute to Grandpa Limburg

Grandpa Limburg and the boys Sept 2008. What a special man he was. I am so glad that my kids got to know their Great Grandpa before he passed away and spend time with him. He was such a loving man and always wanted to know what each kid was doing and always had a compliment for you. He was full of stories and memories and I loved listening to him talk and although we joked about his quirkiness at times, we loved him so much and will miss him.
Grandpa Limburg passed away on Mother's Day May 10th, 2009 and he lived a good, long life.
The funeral brought family, friends and even our Prophet together to visit and reminisce about his life. Pres. Monson came to the viewing on Friday night and shared his memories and talked to the family about "Joe" Limburg. What a neat experience (wish we could have met him---we got there a little late and missed seeing the prophet but heard it was wonderful!!)

The Pall Bearers

The "Limburg Family" with Grandma Limburg

The grandkids and great grandkids putting a tulip on the casket to show their love for Grandpa

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hannah's Preschool Graduation

Hannah graduated from her preschool on April 30th. She was so excited to say her part and her spell her name for the program. She had been singing the songs, spelling her name and saying her part at home for a few weeks.....but when it got time for her to do her thing she froze. I think she got a little bit of stage fright with so many people staring at her and she couldn't even see mom and the boys or grandma & grandpa.
But she finally started coming out of her shell at the end when they sang the songs. She was so cute!!

Hannah & Breeley Larsen
Yeah---I did it!!

Grandma & Grandpa Talbot came to see her graduate

Miss Melinda---Hannah's teacher. Hannah loved her teacher and without her she would not have had such a wonderful time at preschool.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 2009

The Easter egg hunt at Grandma Talbot's house

The Talbot Cousins on Easter

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Brian's injury from softball....he was trying to beat the ball to third base so he slid into the third baseman on the bag and ended up in a heap of dust by the time he came to a stop. He rolled over his ankel and heard a snap and it was confirmed the next day that it is BROKEN!! Luckily this is his first injury after playing softball for many years, but it is a bad breal and may need surgery. YUCK!!
The worst part of it right now is the stairs and the next worst part is that he has to sleep on his back and Chan has to listen to his snoring all night long!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dancing Queen!!!

See Hannah turn on her favorite song...."Dancing Queen" and turn up the volume really loud!!

See Hannah dance to her favorite song...."Dancing Queen".
See Hannah & Drew dance and sing to the "Dancing Queen".

Hannah has totally become our dancing queen and wants to play the song everyday, usually wearing a princess dress, shoes and necklace and then she twirls, sings and dances around to the "Dancing Queen" trying to sing all the words (at least her version of the words). She makes me laugh. I think her favorite soundtrack is Mama Mia now. She's only 3---what am I going to do when she turns 13????

Saturday, February 14, 2009


We have had an awesome couple of days. We took our kids to the Draper Temple Openhouse on Feb 13th and it was such a spiritual experience for me. Its hard to describe the feelings I felt having my kids with me in the temple and knowing that we can be together FOREVER!! I got really emotional and felt the spirit so strong as I walked through the temple and talked to my kids about each of the rooms that we went through. They were amazed at the baptismal font that is on the backs of the 12 oxen and how beautiful everything is. As I saw the Brides Room, I remembered how special it was to be in that room and get ready with my mom by my side and how beautiful it was on my wedding day. Then I thought about going with Hannah someday and being by her side as she is ready to get married and sealed for eternity...that really made my tears flow. We went into a sealing room and got to sit down and a couple talked to us about what happens in that room and it was so neat to let the kids look in the mirrors and see them go on and on.....forever. I loved being able to share this experience with my kids and I hope they realize how important the temples and temple work are. I will never forget this day. I love you my sweet kids----Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Today is Valentines Day it has been snowing all night long and so far all day today. We went outside to shovel and play in the snow and were hoping to make a snowman. The snow is so powdery fine so it wouldn't pack, but the kids had fun playing in it and making snow angels. All day yesterday was about our kids and showing them how much we love them, but I want Brian to know how much I love him and I couldn't live a day without him. He means everything to me and I want him to BE MINE forever!!!
Happy Valentines Day to my SWEETHEART!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cub Scout to Boy Scout


Today is your birthday and you earned your Arrow of Light. What a day!! I am so proud of you and all that you have done and are becoming. I love your persistence and wanting to learn. Just like that, you move from a Cub Scout to a Boy Scout. I can't believe how you are growing up.
I love you so much and want you to know that.

Brothers and best buds (sometimes)

My favorite Cub Scout and birthday boy!!

Growing up and getting so big. I can't believe you are a Boy SCout now and 11 years old!!

11 Big Ones!!